The Joan of Arc (INFP)
INFPs are passionate, faithful, idyllic, and romantic, guided by strong inner beliefs. Warm-hearted, quiet, responsible, and sincere, they approach work and relationships with understanding and generosity. Their dedication to their ideals prevents them from dominating others or seeking to impress. Often perfectionists, they exceed their duties and gravitate towards work requiring empathy and welfare. They show potential in language, literature, counseling, psychology, science, and art. However, they must learn to balance their ideals with reality.

General characteristics
  • INFPs often get lost in thought, losing touch with reality.
  • Their minds are dreamy and abstract.
  • They take interest in human relations and religion.
  • They're adept at reading atmospheres and maintaining positivity.
  • They're sensitive to notions of beauty, ugliness, good, evil, and morality.
  • Though outwardly quiet, they are inwardly passionate and hold strong convictions.
  • They're willing to risk everything for their values.
  • Internally, they constantly yearn and strive for something.
  • They dislike rigid rules and repetitive daily life.
  • They aim to perfect any task given to them.
  • They're spontaneous and adaptable.
  • They often face internal conflicts and mood swings.
  • They tend to start many projects without finishing them.
  • They enjoy traveling, movies, music, and reading.
  • They're sensitive to seasonal changes.
  • Others' words can deeply affect them.
  • They can be inflexible in certain areas.
  • They're considerate and often express themselves metaphorically.
  • With someone they like, they can converse all night.
  • Emotions drive them more than logic.
  • Controlling their emotions can be a struggle.
  • They have many ideas but often find it hard to act on them.

Areas for Improvement
  • INFPs need to learn how to differentiate between reality and their ideals.
  • Flexibility in interpersonal relationships is necessary, even when things don't align with their values.
  • They should develop consistency by effectively managing even small tasks.

See below for the other types.
The proficient speaker
The spark type
The leader type
The inventor type
The friendly type
The sociable type
The businessperson
The capable type
The prophet type
The Joan of Arc
The scientist type
The idea bank
The darkhorse type
The saint type
The salt of the world type
The encyclopedia type
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